Yesterday was like a day out of the Amazon. Both the morning and the evening classes were brutally hot. When I say, brutal, I mean 130F plus humidity is an understatement! People were dropping like flies. By the handful, people were being escorted out of the room and treated for dehydration. I felt as if I sweated my body weight out in a single class. It was THAT hot! Today’s classes were AWESOME! I rocked class this morning; I felt so good for each and every one of the 26 postures. Tonight we had, in my opinion, the best instructor thus far during training. Lisa Ingle and her baby to be, energized and revitalized us in class tonight. She inspired me with her demanding and stern, brutally honest and sympathetic, and all the while hilarious class. She was fabulous.
Things are heating up here, literally and figuratively. Aside from the hot room soaring to record highs, we are picking the pace big time with posture clinics. I delivered Standing Head-to-Knee today. The posture clinic room I was in this afternoon was our big lecture hall. We each had to go up on stage, use the microphone, and recite our dialogue for our three “students” and FIVE senior teachers/staff members. I don’t know why I keep getting so nervous about it, I mean, we are all in the same boat, but every time I am about to get up to deliver my posture, anxiety sets in. I’m hoping that will ease up with time. Although, the thought of actually getting up on a podium and teaching every single posture, twice over and talking for 90-minutes to who-knows how many students, gets me a wee bit anxious!
After posture clinic and delivering a posture I didn’t think I’d have to do until tomorrow, I was waiting for the elevator to go change for class when they posted the “who’s got mail” list…. I just so happened to be on that list. Not knowing who might have sent me something, I was eager to find out. When I got to the concierge, Philip handed me a box… from Canada! I looked down a bit bewildered wondering who in Canada would be sending me a package. When I got back to my room, I excitedly tore into the box. It was a French coffee press coffee maker from my dad (the company moved to Toronto hence the Canadian shipping label). My dad loves his AeroPress so he thought it would be nice for me to have one here. Now I can make a single cup whenever I want, or more if Hilary wants some java too. Even better, if we both want coffee but like different kinds, we can EACH have our own – no problemo! Thanks Dad! I also received my absentee ballot for the upcoming presidential election. I have yet to fulfill my American duty and vote for our next president IN NH. My very first election I voted absentee while in college in NY. The last election I voted absentee while in ultrasound school in Alabama. This election will follow suit, as I’ll be voting absentee from here in LA.
My Ilium is killing me! For all of you non-anatomy speaking folk, that’s the technical term for “hip bones.” The spine-strengthening series is done face-down, on our stomachs. Two-a-days, every day for the last 4 weeks has done some serious bruising to my hip bones. It’s somewhat comical because never in a million years would I have guessed that my “Ilium” would be causing so much discomfort!
Now it’s time to head back down for another anatomy lecture. I presume that will be followed by lots of studying and then hopefully a decent night’s rest.
Absentee Ballot
New Coffee Making Set-Up
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