Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hopped off a plane at LAX

Last night I felt like a little kid on Christmas Eve.  Giddy with the excitement of the next day, I could barely sleep.  After packing (and my version of  “packing” could not even begin to describe the over-packer that I am), I was bringing two checked bags and a carry-on.  I was rather impressed that after weighing them on the scale I was only 3 pounds over!  Go me!  If they weren’t lenient, I’d just take a few things out and add them to my carry-on.  I went to bed at 1:00am.  Planning to give myself plenty of time to make the 11:00 flight, I set my alarm for 7:30am.  Well, there was no need for that because I was wide awake at 4:00, ready and waiting to go.  The car was loaded and when 8:15 rolled around, we were off.  My father dropped my mom and me off at the terminal while he went to park the car.  First bag on the scale, 50lbs even.  Nice!  Second bag on the scale, 19lbs over?!  “What that can’t be right… I weighed it at home!”  So, an additional 50 bucks later (thanks Mom!), and I’m finally on my way! 

At LAX, once I retrieved ALL of my luggage, I made my way over to the terminal where my roommate was waiting.  Hilary and I had been talking for months, but this would be our first time meeting each other. Our first embrace lead to 3 hugs, a lot of jumping up and down and never-ending smiles. I wish someone had been recording this; it was hilarious!  If only you could envision, two rather small girls pushing huge luggage carts packed to the brim with our “yoga essentials” out of the airport and through the streets of LA… yes, we walked to our hotel (but it is NOT far, I assure you).  We get to the first intersection and this nice guy in a BMW lets us cross in front of him.  Well, as I proceeded to push my luggage cart across the road, the wheel hit the little space between the curb and the road and my suitcase and carry-on went flying – right in front of this guys car.  Now, this guy REALLY had to wait as these two mortified girls were laughing their you-know-what’s off and reloading in the middle of the street.  Once we got to the other side, Hilary couldn’t push her cart over the curb so once again there we were standing in the middle of the street trying to physically pick up the wheels.  It felt like we were already in the hot room, we were sweating so much!

After moving into our new “home” for the next 9 weeks, we decided to rent a car and go explore.  We had every intention of driving to Manhattan Beach and getting something to eat.  Well, turns out someone else is equally as navigationally impaired as I am, because we ended up at the Redondo Beach Pier which is about a half hour further than Manhattan Beach.  By the time we parked, and still on east coast time, we were starving.  We grabbed a table overlooking the Pacific and indulged in some grub.  I was as happy as a clam when I saw oysters on the menu… I’m sure I’ll be getting my share of west coast oysters while I’m here, but for now I need some sleep! 


1 comment:

  1. You are too funny with your packing :) Though I suppose you need all that for two months! XOXO
